Kimes Ranch Million $ Breakaway will consist of the top 10 Breakaway Ropers in the World Standings plus 15 Qualifiers to compete at the 10 round finals held November 26th – 30th in Scottsdale, AZ.
The first qualifying rounds (total of 3) with no limits will be held in conjunction with Oklahoma’s Richest October 16th-19th at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, OK. We will advance the top 20 from each go round and the top 20 from the aggregate for a total of 80 ladies advancing to the Semifinals in Scottsdale, AZ on November 28th.
The second Qualifying opportunity will be a last chance qualifier held in Scottsdale, AZ on November 26th with a limit of 250 entries. We will advance the top 10 in each go round and the top 10 in the aggregate for a total of 40 ladies advancing to the Semi-Finals on November 28th.
In addition, there will be a Buy Back Round advancing an additional 5 qualifiers and 1 WRWC Challenger to the Semi-Finals that will also run on the 27th beginning at 6:00pm with the opportunity to enter twice.
Other ways to win include a Women’s Rodeo World Championship (WRWC) Challenger Incentive providing a tiered opportunity during the qualifying rounds, last chance qualifier, Semi-Finals and an exclusive Challenger Showcase during the first round of the Million $ Breakaway. In total, this Challenger Incentive will add $25,000. An athlete is eligible for the Challenger Incentive if they meet the Challenger requirements and they enter the WRWC Package in the NextGen Rodeo App.
The Kimes Ranch Million $ Breakaway is an open, all ages, event for all female Breakaway Ropers with no membership required to enter.
The Kimes Ranch Million $ Breakaway Semi-Finals will consist of 80 qualifiers from the Oklahoma Qualifier, 40 qualifiers from the Last Chance Qualifier, 5 qualifiers from 11th position through 15th in the World Standings, and 5 qualifiers from the Buy Back Round, equaling 130 plus 11 WRWC Challengers for a total of 141 total Semi-Finalists.
From the Semi-Finals, the Top 3 in each of the three Semi-Finals go rounds and the Top 6 from the Semi-Finals aggregate for a total of 15 qualifiers advancing to compete alongside the Top 10 in the World Standings for a total of 25 contestants advancing to the Kimes Ranch Million $ Breakaway. In addition, from the Semi-Finals, the Challengers that entered the WRWC Package will be eligible to advance to an exclusive WRWC Challenger Showcase. The top 2 Challengers in each of the 3 go-rounds and the top 4 Challengers from the aggregate will advance to a WRWC Challenger Showcase to be ran during the first performance of the Kimes Ranch MILLION $ Breakaway on Thursday night November 27th at 7:00 pm.
The Million $ Breakaway will consist of 10 go rounds. Rounds 1, 2 and 3 will be Thursday night November 28th at 7:00pm. Rounds 4, 5 and 6 will be Friday night November 28th at 6:00pm. Rounds 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be Saturday November 30th at 6:00pm. For the last 4 rounds of the final performance, we will cut down from 25 to 15 finalist based on money won and average ranking over the first 6 go rounds.
The first qualifying rounds (total of 3) with no limits will be held in conjunction with Oklahoma’s Richest October 16th-19th at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, OK.
There will be a last chance qualifier held in Scottsdale, AZ on November 26th with a limit of 250 entries. In addition, we will have a WRWC Challenger incentive that will offer $5,000 added money and advance 1 from each round and 2 from the average for a total of 5 Challengers advancing to the Semi-Finals.
Following the Last Chance Qualifier, there will be a Buy Back Round advancing an additional 5 qualifiers and 1 WRWC Challenger to the Semi-Finals on November 26th.
The Kimes Ranch Million $ Breakaway Semi-Finals will consist of 80 qualifiers from the Oklahoma Qualifier, 40 qualifiers from the Last Chance Qualifier, 5 qualifiers from 11th position through 15th in the World Standings, and 5 qualifiers from the Buy Back Round, equaling 130 plus 11 WRWC Challengers for a total of 141 total Semi-Finalists.
There will be Go Round Buckle presentations onstage following each performance with live entertainment Friday and Saturday night!
There will be a first chance qualifier held in Scottsdale, AZ on November 30th with a limit of 250 entries.