Entry Fees & Payouts

Entry Fees

  • $500 Entry Fee for Lazy E Qualifier (70% Payback)
  • $500 Entry Fee for Last Chance Scottsdale Qualifier (70% Payback)
  • $500 Entry Fee for Buy Back Round (50% Payback) – Can enter two times
  • $750 Entry Fee for Semi-Finals (70% Payback)
  • $150 Per Entry for the WRWC Challenger Sidepot Packages
  • NO additional fees after Semi-Finals

Event Reservations

Thanksgiving Dinner 

Stalls: Click Here for Reservations
(833) 368-3787
Refund Policy: 
Prior to November 15th: 75% Refund
After November 15th: NO Refunds

RV Hookups, Shaving etc.:
Click Here for Reservations




Kimes Ranch Million $ Pay Out:

All 10 Go Rounds will pay like the following:

1st $25,000
2nd $20,000
3rd $15,000
4th $10,000
5th $7,500
6th $5,000

$82,500 Total Paid per Go Round x 10 = $825,000

Average to pay like the

1st $60,000
2nd $40,000
3rd $30,000

4th $20,000
5th $15,000
6th $10,000

$175,000 Total Paid in the Average = Overall Payout of
$1 MILLION ($1,000,000)

How the Event Works

The Million $ Breakaway will consist of 10 go rounds.

  • Rounds 1, 2 and 3 will be Thursday night November 27th at 6:30pm.
  • Rounds 4, 5 and 6 will be Friday night November 28th at 6:30pm.
  • Rounds 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be Saturday November 29th at 6:30pm.

For the last 4 rounds of the final performance, we will cut down from 25 to 15 finalist based on money won and average ranking over the first 6 go rounds.